Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Join us to fight the Bengaluru auto menace

We at Auto404, are soon launching a online and mobile platform for Bengaluru citizens to log and track their complaints against unruly,cheating auto drivers.

Join us at www.auto404.org and make sure your voice matters.


  1. Great Boss! Even I have sent almost left voice message to the given number (Last Month when it was declared Meter Jam on Bombay) 19 auto registration number, but dont know what are the results?
    Lets do our best to teach these autowala's a lesson, only we need to announce this to bangaloreans

  2. It has been a couple of months since I lodged the complaint on Auto 404.
    It's been authenticated, but nothing has been done about it so far.
    Authentication process seems complicated and long and most authentication requests are left pending.
    Can you please make the system work a bit more faster? simpler?
